We champion the ongoing interests of professional cricketers in England and Wales.
Our Purpose
What We Do
- Deliver an excellent Personal Development and Welfare Programme to all members.
- Offer clear and comprehensive contractual advice.
Who We’re For
The PCA represents every professional player in England and Wales; and once you’re a full member, you’re a member for life.
The PCA champions the ongoing interests of professional cricketers in England and Wales
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Statement to Members
Trade Union rules require the Players’ Committee to prepare Financial Statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association and of the surplus or deficit of the Association for that period. In preparing those Financial Statements the Players’ Committee is
required to:
- Select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;
- Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
- Prepare Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Association will continue to operate.
The Players’ Committee is also responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Association and to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements comply with the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. It is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Association and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
This statement has been approved by the PCA Management Board at its meeting on 3 March 2025 and received final approval by the Players’ Committee at the Annual General Meeting of the Association on 4 March 2025.
Daryl Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer
The PCA offers different membership options to suit the needs of past and present professional cricketers in England and Wales.
Men and Women contracted over £28,000
Subscription £236.00
Men and Women contracted below £28,000
Subscription £153.00
Men & Women Short Term Contract
£50.00 Subscription
Offering Temporary Membership with access to Personal Development Manager, covered by PCA insurance policies and other services and offers. Cover ceases when contract finishes. Any person shall be eligible for Temporary Membership of the Association if that person has (i) a current full time playing contract with a First-Class County Cricket Club or a Women’s Regional Team for a duration of less than a full season; or (ii) is contracted to a Hundred Team, without holding a current full time contract with a First-Class County Cricket Club or Regional Team.
Associate Past Players
No Fee
Any player who has been contracted to a county at any point from 1967 onwards, or any player that played first-class cricket prior to 1967. Past players enjoy free access to county games with their PCA membership card, invitations to past player days and access to member offers. All insurance benefits are excluded.
Voluntary Past Player Membership
£30.00 annually or £360.00 lifetime
From 2023 a new membership category has been launched. With the PCA valuing all past players, the Association is keen to ensure that support levels are maintained at the current level with a new initiative supporting the funding of this. Annual membership is £30.00 with lifetime membership available for £360.00. Please consider taking out this membership and supporting your Association. All those supporting this membership by paying a subscription will received a PCA members pin badge. You can pay this subscription by clicking here.
Need to update your contact information? Call our Freephone number on 0808 1684 655 or email membership@thepca.co.uk
The PCA champions the ongoing interests of professional cricketers in England and Wales with current and past players leading the association since its inception in 1967.
PCA Whistleblowing Service
In early 2022, the PCA launched its own independent and confidential whistleblowing service. We want PCA members to feel comfortable in reporting any grievances where they believe violations of PCA policies or poor standards have occurred. Therefore, the PCA has appointed an independent company called NAVEX to manage our whistleblowing service should you wish to file a complaint.
All information you provide will remain confidential and anonymous, should you wish.
The World Cricketers' Association (WCA) (formerly FICA) is the global players’ voice in cricket
WCA was established in 1998 to unite all national players’ associations, including the PCA, which protect the interests of professional cricketers throughout the world. It brings together the world’s cricketers, regardless of nationality, religion, political persuasion or race, under an international body focused on matters of general interest to the game and its players.
WCA has established men’s and women’s Player Advisory Committees, comprised predominantly of current senior international players nominated by their home players association. The Committees complement WCA’s ongoing program of structured engagement with its member players’ associations and players around the world to ensure it is accurately representing collective player views and interests at the global level.
WCA’s current Player Advisory Committees can be found on their website.
WCA is governed by its Board and Executive. Heath Mills is WCA’s Executive Chairman and Tom Moffat is WCA’s Chief Executive.
WCA's operational focus
1. Global Voice
- Professionally representing players’ views and opinions to the game (including at ICC level.)
- E.g: Global surveying, Player Advisory Groups, Global Employment & Cricket Reports.
2. Employment and Contracts
- Working hard to ensure that every player receives a contract that is properly negotiated and offers appropriate protections.
- E.g: ICC event squad terms, domestic T20 event standard player contracts, players’ association negotiation support, agent communications.
3. Player Global Safety and Security
- Player safety and security is WCA’s primary concern.
- Eg: Independent security advice (ICC events, international cricket and domestic events), best practice sharing.
4. The World Game
- Advocating for the best structure of the game and regulations to make cricket as good as it can be for players and fans alike.
5. Global Player Welfare
- Building a global support network to meet the needs of global cricketers
- E.g: Development of WCA Global Player Welfare platform, best practice and local and global support network