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The Professional Cricketers’ Association is committed to educating and supporting its members to manage their health and welfare throughout their career and beyond.

Areas of education and support include:

Physical Wellbeing

Injury, illness, medical conditions, impairment/disability, concussion, sleep, dietary needs, skin checks.

Mental Wellbeing

Mind Matters education series, PCA Mental Health Ambassadors, PCA stress free app, signposting for support with emotional management and mental health concerns and conditions.

How to access support

Contact your regional PDM: Our dedicated team of regional Personal Development Managers are there to support you throughout your cricket career and beyond.

Contact Your PDM

The Cricketers’ Trust: Our registered charity provides support for PCA members and their immediate families when they need it most.

Find out more

Confidential helpline: PCA members can call 07780 008877 to speak to someone at the Sporting Chance Clinic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Other charities: Organisations like Mind, Heads Together and CALM also offer confidential emotional counselling to those who need it most.

Mobile App


The recently updated Thrive Wellbeing App is available for free to all PCA members. The platform is clinically proven to help manage stress and mental health using simple, accessible, everyday tools. Developed and created with the support of UK psychologists and psychiatrists, the NHS-approved resource focuses on three main areas – prevention, detection and treatment. It was updated in early 2021 to allow direct access to qualified therapists via the app, and can be used as a proactive resource to aid the health and wellbeing of all members to help deal with the daily stresses of life on and off the pitch.

Once downloaded via the button below, hit ‘sign up’, type in your email address then create a password (minimum 7 characters) and then add the access code which you can receive from your regional Personal Development Manager (PDM) or Ali Prosser – To complete follow the instructions on screen.

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Cricketers' Trust

The Cricketers’ Trust is a registered charity created to support the life-long health and wellbeing of PCA members and their immediate families.

Today’s game is faster, more competitive, more public and more pressurised than ever before. Even the happiest professional career in cricket means long stretches away from home and financial uncertainty driven by short-term contracts. The average cricket career comes to an end at the age of just 26.

Support offered by the Trust can range from emotional counselling right through to the provision of specialist medical equipment and more. The charity has supported a wide range of players from current Gloucestershire man Tom Smith to 62-year-old Winston Davis (pictured right) and beyond.

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Mind Matters

The Mind Matters tutorials were launched in 2012 with the aim to educate PCA members about various effects and consequences on mental health through everyday stresses.

The tutorials aim to help members recognise the circumstances that could lead to a problem with substances, gambling or alcohol. Learning the warning signs of anxiety and depression in oneself or others, and how to access help and manage the problem.

This was launched on the back of the successful Confidential Helpline, and continues to be an important resource for past and present professional cricketers.

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Dementia Support

The PCA has partnered with Alzheimer’s Society, to ensure any of our members affected by dementia, either personally or through a family member, can be quickly and easily referred to the expert support the charity provides.

Alzheimer’s Society provides a range of dementia support, by phone, online and face to face. They can support you with:

  • Emotional support when things get tough
  • Connecting you to local support groups
  • Help to understand and live with dementia, including coping techniques
  • Support with everyday living, such as applying for benefits

For more information and to find out more, please speak to Ian Thomas, Ali Prosser or your regional Personal Development Manager.

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Consultant Admiral Nurse Service – Sport & Dementia

Information for families:

Dementia UK is the specialist dementia nursing charity. Our nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, offer expert, compassionate support to families affected by all forms of dementia.  Please read the factsheet for more information on how we can support.

More information

The Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation

The PCA has signed up to The Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation and supported it since its inception. For more information and details about the charter, see the links below.

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